Kid Enjoying Flooding, c.1960s
October 3rd, 2012
Another Key Biscayne flooding photo for you today. For this one we have no context. I can tell you it’s probably from the 60s, as that’s a 1959 Ford Ranch Wagon in the back. This might be from the same day as yesterday’s photo, it might not.
Do you have any context for this photo? Do you know who the kid is? Do you know what streets these are? Drop us a line at or post on our facebook page.
Update 10/09/12
Mark writes,
“It may be Andy Horton (his mother was the piano teacher). Based on the car, it is maybe 1958- 59. This is after a big rain before the drains were in. He is floating on McIntyre just north of Ridgewood in front of the school. The house on the left is the corner Ridgewood and McIntyre. The partial house on the upper right was the Pate’s.”
Mail Delivery During a Flood, c.1965
October 2nd, 2012
Anyone around before 1996 probably went through a serious flood; they were all too common in those days. In 1996 the new storm sewer project was completed and made a serious improvement to flooding situation. Nowadays flooding rarely lasts more than a couple of hours, much less than the days it could take to subside in the past.
In this photo you see a couple of kids coming out to reach the mailman, on the corner of Ridgewood Rd and W. Enid Dr. looking east. The school property is on the left. The Studebaker Zip Van mail truck was released in 1964, giving us an approximate date for the photo.
This is what the same intersection looks like today:
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Chief Harmon Fishing Tournament Results
October 1st, 2012
This past weekend the 19th Annual Chief Harmon Memorial Fishing Tournament took place after an eight year hiatus.
The Chief Harmon Tournament is a kids tournament, where the only rules are that you must be a kid (13 and under), and you must fish somewhere on the island.
A huge amount of fish were caught at the tournament. The results were as follows:
8 year-old Daniel Sardina won top angler with 117 total fish caught.
11 year-old Laura Noyes got 2nd place and top female angler with 53 total fish, a nurse shark, barracuda and a big jack.
6 year-old Cal O’neil got 3rd place with 50 total fish and nurse shark.
The 2012 participants were:
Daniel Sardina, age 8
Laura Noyes, age 11
Cal Oneil, age 6
Emma Hardie, age 8
Carolina Aguilar, age 9
Jack Traynor, age 10
Robby Kemper
Julian Bell, age 6
Joaquin Macia, age 8
Griffin Clark
Santiago Dillon
The tournament is a great way to get kids involved with fishing, a sport we’re lucky enough to be able to take full advantage here in Key Biscayne. A big thanks goes out to all the participants and to the volunteers who made it happen.
Read on to see more photos.
Key Biscayne Shopping Center, c.1953
September 28th, 2012
The Key Biscayne Shopping Center is still around today. In this photo you can see a variety of stores, starting with Vernon’s Sundries on the right. It then follows from right to left: Beauty Shop, Appliances, Cleaners, Hardware, and finally Simpson’s Groceries on the far left. Later the shopping center would expand and Vernon’s Drugs would go on to occupy the left corner and become a staple of the island for many years.
The building has been expanded and remodeled, but the shopping center still stands today.